Servicing starts from just £97 with NO VAT!
If you live in or around Exeter, you can get your Aga or Rayburn serviced for as little as £97 with no VAT! All services include a FREE BASIC CLEAN of your cooker, which is a clean and polish of the enamel parts of your Aga, Rayburn or range cooker.
I also offer a more in-depth clean if required for an introductory price of only £60 with no VAT*.
An in-depth includes the cleaning of door liners and lid liners, as well as wire brushing the cast iron ovens and hot plates, polish of chrome domes, and clearing of any grease / residue which tends to build up on the top plate around the lids of your appliance.
*Please note this price is an introductory offer and is dependant on the size and model of your appliance. The offer is only available if a more in-depth clean is done at the same time as your appliance is being serviced.
Our Services:
Servicing and repairs of purpose built oil and gas Agas & Rayburns
Servicing and repairs of Agas and Rayburns which have been converted at some point to oil or gas
13 Amp Aga servicing Aims and Non Aims
Servicing newer generation Agas such as dual control
Stripping down & relocating of Aga
Refurbishment of Aga i.e. replacement of top plate, lids etc.
Convert your existing Aga to electric (only applies to some Agas)
Servicing of Esse oil and gas range cookers
Servicing of Redfyre oil and gas range cookers
How often should you service your Aga or Rayburn?
As a general guide, oil cookers should be serviced every 6 months, gas cookers annually, and electric cookers between 2 - 2.5 years. Please refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the exact servicing requirements of your appliance.
What is included in a service?
Clean and testing of all fluways and removal of hot plates
Hoovering out of all ovens
Adjustment of doors and lids as necessary
Check all appliance controls and safety devices
Check / top-up insulation as required*
Inspection of door and lid ropes and replacement if necessary*
Check and set gas pressures (gas models only)
Check oil flow and flow rates (oil models only)
Inspection of oil tank and calculate a report of condition (oil models only)
Basic clean
*Please note any additional parts replaced / needed will be charged for.